pack(side = BOTTOM, fill = X) statusbar1 = ttk. Label(root, text = "Welcome to Krazy Music Player", anchor = W, font = 'Arial 8 italic' ) statusbar. ThemedTk() #root.geometry("555x290") root = "#195FBA" #setting theme for player root. """ Krazyprogrammer Presents Music Player """ from tkinter import filedialog from tkinter import ttk import ssagebox from tkinter import * import os import threading from ttkthemes import themed_tk as tk from mutagen.mp3 import MP3 import time from pygame import mixer root = tk. Here I have explained how to create project and python file in very short because i have already explained it in this video TEXT TO SPEECH IN PYTHON so click this if you are facing problem to create project in Pycharm. Right click on project name " MusicPlayer " and select new and then click on Python file, you will get a popup screen in which you have to type a name for python file here just type music for the name for python file. Now its time to create python file inside project. Step 2: Create Project : Open Pycharm and click on new project, you will get a new screen in which you have to select directory name and after directory name type a project name like " MusicPlayer" and then click on create button. If you are facing problem to install then watch this video TEXT TO SPEECH IN PYTHON in which i have explained step by step. To install Pycharm IDE Open any browser and type Download Pycharm and click the first link you will get official website of Pycharm here you will get a black download button and after clicking on this button you will get exe of Pycharm just install it into your system.

Step 1: Install Python and Pycharm : Open any browser and type Download Python and click the first link you will get official website of python here you will get a Download button and after clicking on this button you will get exe of latest python version just install it into your system. Now i am going to explain it step by step so just go through this post to understand this completely. In this music player you will get a button for Play Stop Pause Rewind Volume/Sound and Mute. If you are a computer science students then this may be a small project for you and you can submit this into your school or college.

Hello friends how are you, Today in this post " Music player in python" i am going to teach you how you can create an Audio/Music player in python.